rouge ((v.))

DCHP-2 (Nov 2016)
1v. Canadian Football, dated, rare today

to concede a rouge.

Type: 1. Origin The meaning, mostly in the collocation to be forced to rouge, had considerable currency until the first quarter of the 20th century, but has lost ground to the nominal form, see rouge ((n.)). Note that the 2001 quotation is the only use in Canadian Newsstream we were able to find in text from more than 300 Canadian newspapers from 1977 to July 2016. Chart 1 shows that the phrase was rouged is still most common in Canada.
The term is Canadian for its meaning of "conceding a rouge".


During the first half the University team kept the ball in the vicinity of their opponent's goal, who were forced to rouge three times, while a succession of successful runs at one time on the part of Hamilton made the visiting team touch down behind their goal line for safety.
No sooner has the McGill captain kicked off than the ball is returned and again McGill is forced to rouge.
Argos collected their first point when Tigers lost ground on penalties and Harris forced Leadley to rouge with a long point.
A single for which Tony McCarthy forced Art West to rouge after Tiny Herman's placement had gone wide, gave Ottawa their lone point in the second.
6______ 8____ British Columbia Lions____59____Denied reports of demise. 7______ 7____ Calgary Stampeders________63____Were rouged.
2v. Canadian Football, dated, rare today

to force the opposing team to concede a rouge.

Type: 3. Semantic Change Like meaning 1, which is losing points by being rouged, this meaning, which is to gain points via forcing a rouge ((n.)) is today dated and increasingly rare. Canadian Newsstream includes no single token for was rouged in this meaning. The verbal form, instead, has specialized since the early 20th century to the meaning 'to apply rouge makeup to one's face'.


Smellie kicked off nicely to Peterson, who charged through the Montreal line to their 25, where the ball was held. Smellie passed the heel out to Harry Senkler, who put it into touch 10 yards out. The throw out was dribbled over and Fry rouged. Score, 1-0. Kerr kicked over again almost immediately after kick out, and Miller rouged.
Minutes later Hurricanes moved downfield and Prince tried a placement from 28 yards out. It missed the post by inches but Cosgrove got up to rouge Jimmy Smith and make it 7-0.
Paul Gray booted the ball into the end zone where Droeske fumbled and recovered but was rouged.
[Caption] Cameron Rouged by Moran on Etcheverry Kick.
Pete Thodos of Calgary fell on the ball and was rouged for the last point of the game, the Roughriders losing 22-21 in a series they had abundant chances to win 23-22.
When half-time stats showed how the Argo offence was mainly responsible for a 20-1 deficit, Dunigan feigned confidence in their ability to bounce back: "Toronto is going to rouge them to death, twenty rouges and they've got it."


Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 11 Aug. 2016

Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 11 Aug. 2016